How can you tell thinning shear from a texturizing shear and the pluses and minuses of each? Even though scissors are the most critical tool in the cutting process, most beauty schools teach very little about them. As a result, we determined that it would benefit you if we attempted to deconstruct it.
When You Need to Blend and Remove Weight, What to Use Without Creating Volume.
The shears that are capable of this have two different names. Thinning shears and blending shears are only two different names for the same shear. The word ‘blending shear’ is what we suggest you use. This is because if you use a “thinning shear” on a customer with thinning hair, you won’t have to worry about them complaining.
It’s not a problem if you do someone’s hair. Thinning or Blending shears are distinguished by their tiny teeth and close spacing between the blades’ teeth they cut. They’ll get rid of the extra pounds without leaving behind any texture or volume.
There will be a noticeable blending of the shaved and natural hair. Depending on the blade’s length, they typically have 30–45 teeth. Hair scissor marks can be blended out using the blending shear, removing weight without adding volume. For example, you can use it to smooth off rough edges on a cut.
Traditional thinning/blending shears have two significant limitations. The section where you cut usually leaves a dotted line or a cutting mark. It’s because they all cut at the exact location in the region after holding a little bunch of hairs together on each tooth. Cutting angles and half-closing are standard techniques stylists use to minimize visible cuts.
Secondly, combing these shears out of a section with the blades closed can pull the hair between the teeth with the sharp straight blade. Therefore you must open them to remove them from the section.
When Did You Need to Create Visible Texture and Separation?
Textured shears feature larger teeth and larger gaps between them. They usually have between five and twenty teeth. To cut thicker hair, use a blending shear instead of a wide-toothed one.
The shorter hair will be more noticeable than the longer, uncut hair next to it. Adding noticeable texture and volume can be achieved by allowing the short hair to lay beneath and support the longer hair. This shear can be used on a wide range of clients due to the small but visible changes in volume and bluntness that occur when it is employed.
Using this form of shear might result in the hair being slashed with notches or castle walls. Another reason is that they’re identical to ordinary thinning shears in design. There is an equal amount of hair for every tooth stored in it.
The straight, sharp blade cuts the hair held by each tooth at the same spot in the section. As a result, the castle wall appears to rise and fall. As a result, many hairstylists prefer to use a pointcut to achieve texture.
It’s possible to generate negative space or texture with point cutting in the same direction as the hair, but the point of origin of the negative space isn’t visible. However, there are certain drawbacks.
To begin with, it takes a lot of time and effort to make hundreds of additional cuts in each haircut. As a result, you have to sharpen your shears more frequently, which wastes time and money.
Consider how quickly the points of your scissors will become dull if you make hundreds or even thousands of further cuts with them. However, cutting straight lines becomes impossible when the tip becomes dull, necessitating having the shears as a whole sharpened.
And it’s not just a little bit sooner; cutting points with your shears up to ten times more often than you would otherwise means more frequent sharpening. Instead of sharpening your scissors every two or three months, you may do so every two or three years!
Shear Solutions from Piranha Cut
Piranha Cut shears for slide cutting a few years ago. That’s what sparked the idea to make texture shears. The teeth are equipped with straight blade cut hair as it is pushed over them. As a result, texture shears with variable-length haircutting can be produced.
Seamless Blender
Modern shears for thinning and mixing, It doesn’t even leave a trace of a cut. As long as the blades are closed, there will be no dragging or pulling on the uncut hair when combing it out. This tool can produce a wonderful mix despite the lack of visible teeth.
It’s because, despite the broader and fewer teeth, the hair is chopped by sliding across the teeth rather than being snipped cleanly as it would be with a standard thinning shear. Piranha Cut allows the hair to be chopped as it slides over with a broader tooth surface. Because these blenders are so easy to use, they’re a lot of fun and a lot more efficient to use.
Point Cut Texture
A sophisticated thinning/blending shear doesn’t leave any cutting traces. Because the uncut hair is only exposed to the blunt straight blade when the blades are closed, there is no drag or pulling when combed out.
Even though it may appear that there aren’t enough teeth to provide a fine cut, they give an excellent blending effect. Because the teeth are broader and fewer than those of a standard thinning shear, the hair is chopped while sliding across the teeth, leaving a lot of it uncut.
Piranha cut begins with a broader tooth surface to allow some hair to be clipped as it moves across the surface. With these blenders, it’s practically difficult to make a mistake, making them considerably more enjoyable and effective to use.